Assessment of Aboveground Biomass Potential by GIS and Remote Sensing – A New Approach

Published in Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Science and Engineering, 2022

Recommended citation: Aydin F., Sarptaş H. (2022): Assessment of Aboveground Biomass Potential by GIS and Remote Sensing – A New Approach. Dokuz Eylül University, Journal of Science and Engineering. Vol. 24, Issue. 70, pp.165 - 178. DOI:10.21205/deufmd.2022247016


Assessment of the spatial distribution of forest biomass, which is the most important biomass source in terms of potential in Turkey, has a critical prospect for monitoring biomass stocks and determining the technical and economic feasibility of energy production projects from forest biomass. The integration of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with Remote Sensing (RS) technique, which provides significant advantages according to land measurements and calculations such as age, height, diameter and trunk volume for each individual tree in forest inventories, provides a more comprehensive and faster biomass potential estimation. For this respect, this study aims to develop a method integrating GIS and RS techniques for the estimation (mapping) of forest biomass potential and to implement it in a case study area. Within the scope of the study, above-ground biomass potential for Bergama İncecikler Forestry Area has been determined by IPCC method.

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Recommended citation: Aydin F., Sarptaş H. (2022): Assessment of Aboveground Biomass Potential by GIS and Remote Sensing – A New Approach. Dokuz Eylül University, Journal of Science and Engineering. Vol. 24, Issue. 70, pp.165 - 178. DOI:10.21205/deufmd.2022247016.